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Destinations » Asia
About Asia
Asia is the largest, most populated and most diverse continent on Earth. The birthplace of the world’s major religions and home to so many cultures, languages, religions, lifestyles, traditions and history. It is hard to encompass the scale of the continent and what it has to offer. Covering 30 per cent of the Earth’s land area, Asia is made up of 49 different nations, from colossal countries such as Russia, China, and India, to popular tropical destinations such as Thailand, the Maldives, Indonesia and everything in between. Five of Asia’s countries are also technically part of another continent. Russia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, and Turkey also have regions of their countries that lie in Europe.
Diversity of Asia
Due to the diversity of Asia’s landscapes, the continent can be divided into five different geographical regions – mountains, deserts, plains, rivers, and lakes. The Himalayas contains the world’s tallest mountain, Mount Everest. The Rub’ al Khali desert lies across Saudia Arabia, Oman, the United Arab Emirates and Yemen – it is considered the world’s largest sand sea. The Bay of Bengal, on the Indian Ocean, is one of the world’s largest marine ecosystems, with thousands of species of animals. Asia’s diverse wildlife, marine life, vegetation and landscapes are, without a doubt, impressive. The continent is home to some of the largest and most dangerous animals on the planet, including the Asian Elephant (although it is smaller than Africa’s), the Tiger, the Giant Panda and the Komodo Dragon, to name just a few.
Wealth of Wonder
Alongside some of the most incredible animals in the world, Asia is home to some of the most important religious and historical sights on the planet. Many of these landmarks receive hundreds of thousands of visitors every year, and for some, they are the main reason to visit, from the Taj Mahal of Agra, the Great Wall of China, the temples of Bagan, and Angkor Wat, to some natural wonders such as Halong Bay, Kuang Si Falls, and Chocolate Hills. Asia really does have it all. Tropical beaches, jungles, deserts, mountains, lakes, rivers, and a wealth of culture, tradition, food, and history. As well as a wealth of wonder, wildlife, and beauty, the continent is also home to some of the cheapest countries in the world to travel to and live in.